by Jeff Bethke | Jul 11, 2012 | Uncategorized, Writing
Below is a guest post by my lovely fiancé, Alyssa Fenton. You can chat with her, give her feedback, or ask her something on her twitter here. I know she’d love to hear from you. Man, I’m so thankful for this woman and thankful she prays for me. Hope the... by Jeff Bethke | Jun 13, 2012 | Writing
Dating has been on my mind a lot lately. Through emails, tweets, and messages it seems people struggle with how to properly date and interact with someone they like or want to pursue. Because I can totally relate to this, and having just been out of the dating... by Jeff Bethke | Jun 1, 2012 | Writing
I seriously love it here. Yesterday we played soccer with the kids while a group of them practiced a performance for the first lady of Uganda. The kids here are insane–they play all day, never get sweaty, and don’t get tired. They put me to shame. For... by Jeff Bethke | May 31, 2012 | Writing
As I type this I am sitting on the porch of an orphan home looking up at the stars here in Uganda. It’s so beautiful and full of life here. Even today a pack of monkeys crossed the street while we were driving! Anyways I’m loving it here. We... by Jeff Bethke | May 19, 2012 | Writing
A lot of times I get asked why I seem to have struck a chord with the younger generation. To be honest, I have no idea. But, after thinking of a few pastors/speakers who I listen to frequently I started looking for common variables. Below are a few I’ve noticed... by Jeff Bethke | May 16, 2012 | Writing
I was recently the best man in one of my good friends wedding. Hands down, it was one of my favorite weddings I’ve ever been apart of. Why? Because it shadowed the fullness of God and what He’s like more than I’ve ever seen. Throughout the entire...