by Jeff Bethke Bethke | Jul 10, 2013 | Blog, Rookie Wife
Alright ya’ll (confession: I’ve always wanted to live in the south and have a slight drawl…so it may come out at times!), I know I told you that I’d recap our traveling today (and I will soon, promise) but I just had to process out my crazy morning with you. So here... by Jeff Bethke Bethke | May 13, 2013 | Blog, God
Sometimes life can seem so heavy. The burdens we carry seem so big. Whether it’s small things that add up, or big issues that weigh us down. In the mundane, or the unordinary. I vividly remember spring of 2011- I was healing from a difficult break up, while at the...
by Jeff Bethke Bethke | May 10, 2013 | Blog, Counsel, God
Trials. As my youth pastor said, “If you’re not in one right now, then you just finished one, or there is one on its way.” Not to be a downer! (Happy Friday!) But it’s true. As believers, God didn’t say he’d protect us from trials, but rather he said they would come.... by Jeff Bethke Bethke | May 9, 2013 | Blog, Relationships
We were created by a loving, almighty, powerful God. The God. And not only did He hand craft us, being intentional with every cell, every muscle and bone structure, but He made us in His image. We are made to be image bearers of our awesome God. “So God created man in... by Jeff Bethke Bethke | May 9, 2013 | Blog
Today we’ll be hearing from my dear friend Olga Shpak–her battle with eating, and the truth that helps her to daily walk in freedom. Eating. It should be one of the most normal and natural things we do – just another part of our everyday life, right?... by Jeff Bethke Bethke | May 8, 2013 | Blog
Awesome things are coming up in the Bethke household! Lights Out is this Friday. It’s going to ROCK. If you’re in the area, come come come! Free admission. We have a killer line up of artists & my hubby is performing a new poem “The Greatest Artist of All...