by Jeff Bethke | Jan 16, 2016 | Uncategorized
Sometimes life can seem so heavy. The burdens we carry seem so big. Whether it’s small things that add up, or big issues that weigh us down. In the mundane, or the unordinary. I vividly remember spring of 2011 – I was healing from a difficult break up, while at...
by Jeff Bethke | Jan 14, 2016 | Uncategorized
Alyssa and I have been on this three week road trip since after Christmas, and it’s been such a blast! One of our highlights was spending a week in Orlando for a big YoungLife conference that culminated in us making a day trip to Disney! Watch this week’s...
by Jeff Bethke | Jan 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
Do you live under covenant or contract? Do you believe your behavior is what is sustaining the relationship (contract) or do you believe the promise is sustaining the relationship (covenant)? God goes above and beyond to describe His love for us as a spousal...
by Jeff Bethke | Dec 22, 2015 | Uncategorized
Alyssa and I absolutely love Christmas. The cookies, the snow (well we live in Maui so we don’t get that anymore), the music, and all that good stuff. But what we also love is zooming in on the story of Jesus and His entrance into our world. There’s a few...
by Jeff Bethke | Dec 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
One of my favorite ways to look back on a year is through books I’ve read. It helps me piece together events and different seasons of the year. So I thought it’d only be fitting to name the top couple books I read this year with a brief description of why....