What I Really Want in the Coming New Year - Jeff and Alyssa

275775177152678182_gwuanyE4_cA new year is coming…so quickly. As I sit here reflecting on this past year, I’m in awe at my incredible God. 2012 held so many beautiful things. And 2013 is promising much excitement: 2 weddings, travels galore: Maui, Oahu, Uganda, Germany, Italy, California; Jeff’s book comes out & friends’ babies will be born.

But then when I think the core of everything—those things seem but a shadow. All I really want from this year to is know and love Jesus more. To fall in love with Him again. To be so intimate with Him that when I look back at those awesome experiences, my heart rejoices in Him more than the things themselves. I want to learn how to better abide in Him. To better treasure His word & fight my sin. I want to pray with every fiber of my being “Anything—Lord, have anything, I’m Yours” and actually mean it and trust His wisdom and goodness in whatever He brings. To learn to lay everything down at His feet and leave it there….and not take it up and pretend to be in control again. I want to think of Jesus, to talk to Him and about Him throughout the day—to long for Jesus everyday. To put off the comforts of this world and live radically. To trust Him with everything. To be about His kingdom, and not my own. To see things as He does, to treasure Him above all….

Praise God that He is at work in us. Praise God that He’s given us His Holy Spirit and His word and His church to make us more like Him. Praise God that He has promised to bring us to completion. And that at the end of the day, we get God.

Lord, may You be my treasure. May I rejoice and give thanks that I have YOU. 


“Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.” || Psalm 73:25 ESV


What exciting things does 2013 hold for you? How do you want to grow in this coming year? How can you cultivate a heart that is more fully surrendered and in love with Jesus?