Counsel Archives - Page 2 of 4 - Jeff and Alyssa
You are of Great Value

You are of Great Value

 Thank you for joining us for the Devotional Spoken For Blog Tour! Robin and I are taking turns posting daily devotionals, going deeper into each chapter of Spoken For. We would love for you to study these truths with us and post in the comment section as we are all...
You Have Been Called

You Have Been Called

Thank you for joining us for the Devotional Spoken For Blog Tour! Robin and I are taking turns posting daily devotionals, going deeper into each chapter of Spoken For. We would love for you to study these truths with us and post in the comment section as we are all...
You are of Great Value

You are Loved

Thank you for joining us for the Devotional Spoken For Blog Tour! Robin and I are taking turns posting daily devotionals, going deeper into each chapter of Spoken For. We would love for you to study these truths with us and post in the comment section as we are all...
You are of Great Value

You are Pursued

Thank you for joining us for the Devotional Spoken For Blog Tour! Robin and I are taking turns posting daily devotionals, going deeper into each chapter of Spoken For. We would love for you to study these truths with us and post in the comment section as we are all...
You are of Great Value

You are Wanted

Thank you for joining me today for Day 1 of our Spoken For blog series! I am so excited to walk this journey with you all. May it encourage your hearts as you see how truly loved and desired you are by the One who is ever faithful. If you’d like to order...
Walking through the Shadows Together

Walking through the Shadows Together

For our final discussion on depression, Morgan wanted to give tools for those that know and walk life with people who struggle with depression. Sometimes it can be so hard to know how to help, or what to say. It may seem never ending, discouraging and hopeless to you...