Jeff Bethke Bethke, Author at Jeff and Alyssa - Page 51 of 60

Christmas Rest

It’s 8am, lights aglow in the house, hot coffee waiting to be sipped in my red Christmas mug, Aslan is jumping on the gate and whining for me to play with him; I’m sitting here in my pajamas desperately trying to think of something to write about. Hmmm… Take...

Christmas Rest

It’s 8am, lights aglow in the house, hot coffee waiting to be sipped in my red Christmas mug, Aslan is jumping on the gate and whining for me to play with him; I’m sitting here in my pajamas desperately trying to think of something to write about. Hmmm… Take...

My Favorite Sugar Cookies

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is baking cookies with my mom. Let’s just say that my mom could be the next Julia Child! She ROCKS at baking. Pies. Cakes. Cookies. Breads. Rolls. YUM! Every year we make sugar cookies. We use her bronze cookie cutters that are...

My Favorite Sugar Cookies

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is baking cookies with my mom. Let’s just say that my mom could be the next Julia Child! She ROCKS at baking. Pies. Cakes. Cookies. Breads. Rolls. YUM! Every year we make sugar cookies. We use her bronze cookie cutters that are...

Longing for Jesus’ Presence

We celebrated Aslan’s two-week homecoming the other day. 10 weeks old already! And he’s growing like a weed! The past two weeks have been a whirlwind- so fun & challenging. Who knew a new puppy would be so much work!? (Well, everyone who has had a puppy before...