Thank you for joining us for the Devotional Spoken For Blog Tour! Robin and I are taking turns posting daily devotionals, going deeper into each chapter of Spoken For. We would love for you to study these truths with us and post in the comment section as we are all reminded that we are truly spoken for by our Relentless Lover! If you’d like to order Spoken For click here.
Living in America, we put tons of emphasis on value. Which isn’t bad, but I think where we’ve gotten off base is that we believe that value is based on what we do, what we can offer, what we bring to the table. From the moment we start school, we are taught to work hard, excel, and succeed. We get graded on our assignments and work, pushing us to meet a standard. We’re pushed to be successful- do well in school, obtain scholarships, go to a good college, get a good paying job, earn lots of money. It’s all performance-based. What can you do for us?
Now, working hard and pushing yourself is not bad at all! Go for it. Being a hard worker is excellent and what the Lord calls us to. However, this mentality can easily be misconstrued and we can begin to believe that our value is based on what we do, instead of who we are. We begin with our performance, instead of being. And that is where it’s dangerous.
My first year of marriage, the Lord showed me how deeply I had a performance-based identity. I held myself to such a high standard to be perfect, and do everything perfectly. It was the first time in a long time that I didn’t work outside the home, so therefore I put more pressure on myself to have the house perfect, meals hot and ready, and to be super busy serving Jeff and the ministry we were involved in. And when things weren’t perfect (ahem…flooding the kitchen, Aslan eating our floor, burning all my new pots and pans…) I was devastated. Devastated because I thought I was worthless; my value was nil.
Since I’ve gotten married, the Lord has been patiently transforming me and showing me that my value is not based on what I do or offer, but it’s based on who He says I am. It’s based on the mere fact that I am an image bearer of Christ. I am His daughter, His bride, His chosen one. My value is based on Jesus. And I am priceless to Him.
When we see that our value and worth come from Him alone, we are set free. No longer do we become devastated when things that we do aren’t perfect, or when we have seasons where we have to cut back and not do as much. We don’t have to earn anyone’s favor or approval. We don’t have to fear what others think of us, or try to prove ourselves. We are set free- set free to be who God created us to be.
You are of great value. Worthy. Priceless. Whenever you doubt your worth, look to the cross, where Jesus died for you. What else shows you how much He treasures you!? He died for you, sacrificed His Son for you, gave up His life for you because you were worth it.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Thank You Alyssa!! I needed to read this today! I always try to perform because I always get into that mentality, but it’s so freeing to know that my value comes from who Jesus says I am! I so need this encouragement because this mentality always creeps up in me. I think a lot of women need to read this blog!!! I’m sharing it everyday on Facebook! thank you for all your words and writing that awesome book. I love what you are doing to encourage women! Much love to you and Jeff and your little baby girl!!! <3 🙂
Thank you for this today Alyssa. I have always been a straight A student and have put so much of my worth in that, and now that I’m nearing the end of high school and things are getting harder and its harder to keep all As, I often start to feel worthless. Actually that and a lot of small insecurities leave me feeling that way a lot. Thank goodness Jesus wants me. It makes me feel wonderful, thinking about this. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for this. Lately I’m been sick and have a lump under my right armpit and pain that extends from that point all the way down my arm and to the tips of my fingers. I’ve been down but today I’m feeling more myself, and so much peace because the nurses here at college know I’m sick, just not with what, and know that there’s something wrong with the nerve of my arm which inhibits me from doing my artwork, my graphic work, writing and I’ve been dealing with it fine until later tonight, just feeling all this hopelessness even though I’m trusting God. Today I was drawing with my left, non dominant hand and my picture actually came out pretty well. I’ve had such a positive attitude, talking to my sorority sisters, knowing that I can do this, I can finish this year, God is going to make me knew, I’m in a stage of my life of just so much cleansing. But the weight of the pain, the fears, everything just seemed to fall tonight. I was with my sisters, feeling comfort, but then holding back the tears when I kept thinking of things. The “could bes.” But this blog brings so much peace to my soul as I sit in my dorm engulfed in worship music, after journaling to the sweet father. Even though I don’t know you personally, I feel like I do, what you’ve gone through has helped me get through what I’ve gone through, and get through this challenge in my life currently. <3
I love this, Alyssa! This is such a beautiful reminder for all of us!
Oh, I love this so much! It is so easy to get bogged down in the ways society measures worth. For years I lived believing that I was only as good and as loved as how I performed. Then I found Jesus and now I can finally let my house be dirty for a week, cry in front of my husband, and not be “super successful” at everything I do. What incredible freedom! Thanks for this wonderful reminder of the Truth.
Hi Alyssa! First off, I love your book so much, it’s been bringing so much wisdom into my life.
Also, though, I had a topic that I’ve been struggling with for the past few weeks, and I would love for some guidance and insight.
I wrote about it here, it’s really short and easy to read.
Thanks, and I hope you get to answer back!
Hi Alyssa! I am truly thankful for all your blogposts! Thank you for being so encouraging, honest and pointing me back to the cross. You are awesome!! I was just wondering what are some verses in the bible that support this blog(not to say that they aren’t true or anything..for the purposes to encourage others with supporting verses). Hope you have a wonderful weekend! You are greatly appreciated 🙂
Love in Christ,
I want this book so bad, because i believe its just what i need to read. only thing is its not in our bookstores here yet. Alyssa get some copies all around the world asap lol (yes your forum is that huge). God Bless! Continue speaking, writing and inspiring. You really hit the nail on the head.. smack right where it needs to be.