R.D. Cummings famously noted that “all good books have no ending.” This can be no more true in the realm of books than the ones that focus on the life of a Christian. Below I have compiled a list of my “Top 10” in hopes you would pick some of these up and be encouraged by them as much as I have. All the books below can be regarded as a classic in one way or another. They differ though from theological, to spiritual living, to bible study, to apologetics. However, all have one thing in common, and that is they greatly uphold Jesus as supreme and they all draw our eyes off of self and give us a deeper reality for what He has done. To read a more detailed description of the book feel free to click on the picture, or the title, which also will take you to a site that you can purchase the book from. This list is by no means exhaustive, and is quite subjective, but I hope it serves to encourage you in the realm of reading. Let us remember the power and potency of the written word.
My Top 10:
1. Crazy Love
|| Francis Chan
2. The Normal Christian Life
|| Watchman Nee
3. The Cross of Christ
|| John Stott
4. The Knowledge of the Holy
|| A.W. Tozer
5. The Pilgrim’s Progress
|| John Bunyan
6. Tempted and Tried
|| Russell Moore
7. The Prodigal God
|| Tim Keller
8. Knowing God
|| J.I. Packer
9. Transforming Grace
|| Jerry Bridges
10. Death by Love
|| Mark Driscoll