Palm trees. Pouring rain. Plumeria blooms. Late night pillow talk. Pigeon jargon. Lion King trees. Wedding dress shopping. Tears of joy. Best friends. Pork. More pork. Rockn’ to reggae. Sunshine. Crazy sunset. Family. Sweet conversations. Rest.
I’m so thankful for this time to be in Oahu with one of my besties. I’m missing my husband and home immensely, but really am soaking up what Jesus is showing me. He is so good and so faithful.
More to come…but in the meantime, sending much aloha and sunshine!
Have a safe trip, hope its filled with loads of fun!
Believing He exsisted was a difficult task…believing I wasn’t forgotten was an even bigger task, now I may not be in Oahu, but I am feeling what you are feeling right now…blessed. Thanks for being one of the most positive inspirations i have in my life today…may God continue to bless your life. Ciao Mia