Start Your Journey to True Freedom!
When Jeff and I wrote Love That Lasts, a book all about dating and marriage, a huge part that we talked about was how our childhoods and past affect our relationships; it’s part of our stories and what we bring into our current relationships. In one of the chapters, I talked about my eating disorder, of how God had brought healing and freedom in showing me who I truly was in Him, what my true identity was, and the lies I had to get rid of in order to have a healthy relationship, a healthy life. It was a hard chapter for me to write because hello- here is my deep, dark secret put on display!
About a month after the book released, our good friend Sadie Robertson texted us and told us how much she had loved the book, and how that specific chapter had meant so much to her. She told us how she too had struggled with an eating disorder awhile back, and she had never told anyone. After reading our book, she immediately told a couple of her closest people and then wrote a blog about her journey. Her story, and her willingness to share it with the world, brought so much hope to so many. If that’s all it had been, that would have been amazing, but of course, in God-like fashion, he had something more for us.
A few months went by when we realized we needed to do a video course for women about finding healing, and not just about body image issues, but also about who we are, and living in true freedom. And so, Finding Freedom came to be and we could not be more stoked to finally have it out!
Our hope is that it can be a huge encouragement for anyone girl who finds herself struggling to know who she is, what God says about her, and feels caught up in the cycle of trying to look and be a certain way. Our prayer is that it brings true healing to many, that women can be set free from lies that they have clung to for so long. If you find yourself struggling with these things and want to journey by yourself, or you have a daughter and have been longing to find some way to talk about these issues, or want to go through this workbook as a group, Finding Freedom is the perfect tool to start this journey of true freedom.
Jesus died for us and has set us free, so let’s live in freedom! We were not made to live in fear, grasping for control, believing that we’re not good enough, strong enough, beautiful enough, that we’re less than. God doesn’t want us to play the comparison game, but rather to live with joy, to love well, to be full of peace and know that we are wonderfully made and made for more. This project was such a joy to work on alongside Sadie. May it encourage and bless your heart and transform your journey!