Thank you to all of you who have contacted me wanting to learn more about how to fight eating disorders. As one who struggled for almost 6 years, I empathize with you and know the pain, fear, and bondage you may feel. If you find yourself in that struggle today, you are not alone. But neither can you sit down and let it take over. God has died for your eating disorder on the cross–the shame, guilt, and bondage constantly sweeping over you has been paid for by our Great High Priest. As believers, we are called to freedom & to a life of obedience and joy as we set our hearts and minds on Him. There is freedom beloved. Take heart. You are not beyond hope or help. This week we will walk through the struggle we women have, as well as the truth that sets us free. So excited to journey together with you ladies.
“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” || Galatians 5:1
I am really glad I came across this today! I am a college student who has been struggling with an eating disorder for almost 4 years now! I am a believer but I tend to look away from God when I am at my lowest with my eating disorder! This gave me inspiration and I look forward to reading more!!
Thank you so much for having the courage to write about this. I would also emphasize that along with fighting eating disorders, comes the struggle of body image and acceptance of our body image despite the influence of the mass media. Perceiving the messages and images of the media as social expectations and requirements are definitely a relevant struggle, even for men. Thanks so much for addressing this topic, can’t wait to keep reading this week 🙂
Hi Alyssa!
I’m 17 and I read your blog almost everyday and it helps me so much! I was just wondering if you had time, if you could possibly write about singleness and how God has a plan for the future. I recently broke up with my boyfriend and it’s been the hardest, most hurtful thing I’ve ever gone through but God’s peace has gotten me through it. So I was just wondering if you had any advice or encouraging words about God’s will and such to help young girls like me realize there’s so much more to come. You’re blog is such an inspiration and blessing to me! Thank you:))
Hey Morgan, there is a really good sermon on youtube that talks about being Single and Satisfied by Dr. Tony Evans that part 1 and Becoming a Kingdom Single is part 2 (they are not long at all), they are really good, they help me alot to learn how to be Single and Satisfied. Sorry I also wrote this in the comment below as well I did not know we can comment directly, sorry about that!
Hi! I’m 14 and a friend actually sent me a link this blog and told me to read it, I’ve been struggling with anorexia since I was 10 after my life seemed to be spiraling out of control, it gives me hope to see that you have overcome this, and with Gods help, so can I!!! Thank you so very much!!!
Hi Aylssa!
Thanks so much for amazing, uplifiting, and encouraging blog that let us know the promises of God and that we are not alone as well! For Morgan above there is a really good sermon on youtube that talks about being Single and Satisfied by Dr. Tony Evans that part 1 and Becoming a Kingdom Single is part 2 (they are not long at all), they are really good, they help me alot to learn how to be Single and Satisfied!