by Jeff Bethke Bethke | Dec 4, 2013 | Blog, Book Review
I so wish I could have written this blog 4 days ago, but such is life. Jeff and I have been reading through Ann Voskamp’s new book, “The Greatest Gift: unwrapping the full love story of Christmas”, taking one chapter each day. This book is an advent to Christmas- a... by Jeff Bethke Bethke | Nov 13, 2013 | Blog, Counsel, Relationships
Even the phrase makes my heart break a bit; brings a sorrow in my spirit. I mean, aren’t we raised being taught to dream? Growing up in school, you list dreams you have for your country, for your family, for yourself. From the time you’re 5 until you’re in college... by Jeff Bethke Bethke | Nov 7, 2013 | Blog, God
The other night as I lay in bed, not quite tired enough to drift off to sleep, I turned over to see my strong husband and beautiful pup fast asleep next to me. (Yes, we have succumbed to letting Aslan sleep with us. Don’t ask me how we do it- it’s cramped, and most... by Jeff Bethke Bethke | Oct 14, 2013 | Blog, Rookie Wife
Happy one-year anniversary to my hubby! Crazy, I can’t believe it’s already been one year. This year has been quite the adventure! Traveled around the world, moved twice, became parents to our sweet puppy, started a candle company, both wrote a book, attended 6... by Jeff Bethke Bethke | Oct 3, 2013 | Blog, Travel
Well ladies and gentlemen, the time has finally come. After almost two years- lots of hard work, endless phone calls, meetings, & edits-and now Jeff’s book comes out this Monday, Oct. 7th! And with his book comes a whirlwind of a month. A whirlwind of emotions, of... by Jeff Bethke Bethke | Sep 30, 2013 | Blog, Book Review
Alright ya’ll (I know I’m not southern, but I was just in Texas so it may come out a bit more), I know I have not blogged in F.O.R.E.V.E.R. Part of the reason, is because I’ve been busy typing away at my first book! (Whoo hoo!) It’s almost completed, so I’m hoping I...