by Jeff Bethke Bethke | Nov 30, 2012 | Truth
I’ve been studying through Isaiah this week and already just in chapter 1, I have been overwhelmed at our God. Our God is Incredible. Those names of God that I listed yesterday—that you listed yesterday—could go on and on. But what amazes me is that we can know Him.... by Jeff Bethke Bethke | Nov 29, 2012 | Truth
Yesterday Jeff and I jumped into the Christmas celebration! We went to a tree farm down in “the country land” and cut down our first tree! (Well, Jeff cut it down- I just stood by, took photos and cheered him on.) It was a blast! Hot cocoa, foggy day, rain... by Jeff Bethke Bethke | Nov 29, 2012 | Blog, God
Yesterday Jeff and I jumped into the Christmas celebration! We went to a tree farm down in “the country land” and cut down our first tree! (Well, Jeff cut it down- I just stood by, took photos and cheered him on.) It was a blast! Hot cocoa, foggy day, rain... by Jeff Bethke Bethke | Nov 27, 2012 | Blog
I found the quote below in my journal this morning. It almost brought me to tears, seeing the beauty of God’s pursuit of us. He is the RELENTLESS LOVER. He wants you. He wants me. And when we finally surrender to Him- whether in salvation, or daily in our walks... by Jeff Bethke Bethke | Nov 27, 2012 | Truth
I found the quote below in my journal this morning. It almost brought me to tears, seeing the beauty of God’s pursuit of us. He is the RELENTLESS LOVER. He wants you. He wants me. And when we finally surrender to Him- whether in salvation, or daily in our walks...