My Anything - Jeff and Alyssa

278660295664900342_SFDqDhz9_cAfter reading “Anything” by Jennie Allen, I had to write out my own prayer of anything. It’s messy. It’s scary. It’s vulnerable. But I pray that God uses it to encourage you. As God’s beloved, we have nothing to fear. He is for us. He is with us. He is within us. He is for our good and His glory. So whatever He calls us to in this life, we shall not fear. Our God is mighty. Our God is holy. Our God reigns. And nothing can separate us from His love–ever. (Romans 8) May we learn to live with abandon, because we are in His arms. He is our security.


I so want to be part of Your will. I want to be a part of Your story. To live for You alone, knowing my life is very temporary. I want to live with heaven in mind. I want to forgive quickly. To shower others with grace. To live to make You known-to glorify You. To die knowing I ran hard, with my eyes fixed on You. Lord, I know that life isn’t easy. It’s costly. And that’s what I’m scared of. I don’t know what that will look like for me, for us. It is out of my control. You could call us far away, or to a dangerous neighborhood or to something that will demand sacrifices. It will be hard at times. But where did I learn that serving You was easy? Yes, I believe You call us to things that are within our gifting, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy or doesn’t mean we can do it on our own. God I like my comfort, I desire to be in control. I use to be so sold out. Where did I change? I got scared. It got hard-to give up what I love. But even in that Lord, you were so gracious & gave me double-fold. You always provide for our every need. I don’t know what You have in store.

But then again, what if You have the wildest ride for us?

Full of joy, life, peace…even in the pain and hardship.

Actually, I KNOW that’s what You have in store because You are our treasure.

Will we be attacked by satan? Yes. If we’re living for you.

Will we have to rely on You & be on our knees constantly seeking You? Yes, I hope so.

But isn’t that what my soul longs for deep down? Lord, I’ve been longing for you. To be so intimate with You. When I look back on my life, the sweetest times of intimacy were my most difficult seasons. Break ups. Loneliness. Homesickness. Discipleship that was costly. When I was tired, challenged, not knowing the future. God I long for you. I long to know, love and follow You. To truly live. To be so close knit to my Savior.

So Lord, as scary as it is- anything God. Do anything with me. With our family. Show us where to go. Who to serve. In what capacity. How to use our gifts. How to steward what we have. Lord, anything. You have my heart, my soul. My life.

I am Yours.

I’m not my own- praise Jesus. Lord, with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes-anything God. I surrender. Take it all. Have it all. Lord, do your work.

I’ve been stuck too long. Loving my comfort. Clinging to control. Lord, free me. Help me to really, truly trust You. Rely on You. Run to You. Long for You. Be my anchor God. I know I can rest in You. That You hold me. You lead me. You provide for me. You are for my good, and for Your glory. 

