“And He said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.”
Matthew 22:37-38
“The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear Him, and He makes known to them His covenant” Psalm 25:14
When I was 15 I wrote a list of character traits I hoped my future husband would have. The first one on the list was that he would love Jesus passionately. I knew I didn’t want to marry a man who simply said they were a “Christian.” I didn’t want a guy who lived like everyone else, except just avoided the “big sins” a little more. I wanted to be with a man whose very heart longed for Jesus. A man who adored, worshipped, honored, and lived his life for the Lord. A man whose heart belonged to Jesus. I wanted a God-lover.
When asked what the greatest commandment is in the bible, Jesus said it was to love Him with every fiber of our being. He is after the heart and wants all of us. He longs to be with us, to have fellowship with us. He made us for relationship, the greatest being relationship with Him.
I daily pray this for Jeff. That he would love Jesus with all of his heart, soul, mind & strength. I know that if Jeff is pursuing Jesus as his main desire, it will actually free him up to love and pursue me more fervently also. I ask the Lord to draw him near; that he would seek Him and spend time at His feet, talking with His Savior.
Why? Because this is the sweetest thing we can possibly do as a believer. The beauty of the gospel is that we get God. He has torn the veil and invited us into deep intimacy with Him. I long for Jeff to stay close to our Lord, in a world that does everything possible to distract and drag us away. I long for Jeff to deeply know Jesus- not just in a scholarly sense, but a deep, intimate, knowledge like one has with a spouse.
I also pray this because this is the cry for my heart. Often I find myself being distracted by the world (busyness, loving other things more than Christ, etc) and missing out on the gift of deep intimacy with Christ. My heart’s cry is that I would stay close to Him and love Him with all my heart. All my mind. All my strength. And all my soul.
And as our men grow to love Jesus more, they will grow to love us more. For our love for people flows out of Christ’s love for us.
Ladies, does your man put God first in his life? Does he love Jesus with all his heart, mind, and soul?
Me being a sixteen year old girl, you and your husband have been very inspirational to me. I stumbled across his YouTube channel a couple weeks ago and since then they have been a great source of encouragement to me, as have your blogs. This one (and the two previous parts of the series) I found incredibly so, as it reminded me how often I forget that the man in my future needs my prayer now, and that I can pray for him even if I don’t know him yet. Thank you for providing such a great role model for kids like me. <3