Ferocious Pursuit - Jeff and Alyssa

I found the quote below in my journal this morning. It almost brought me to tears, seeing the beauty of God’s pursuit of us.


He wants you.

He wants me.

And when we finally surrender to Him- whether in salvation, or daily in our walks with Him, we can then be wrapped in His splendor & be bathed in His light–that was waiting for us the whole time.

“Thank you Jesus for your pursuit of us, even in our rebellion. You never give up. Your pursuit is ferocious- unrelenting. What grace Lord!”


“I came to You late, O Beauty so ancient and new;

I came to love You late.

You were within me and I was outside

where I rushed about wildly searching for You

like some monster loose in Your beautiful world.

You were with me,

but I was not with You.

You called me, You shouted to me.

You broke past my deafness.

You bathed me in Your light,

You wrapped me in Your splendor,

You sent my blindness reeling.

You gave out such a delightful fragrance,

and I drew it in and came breathing hard after You.

I tasted, and it made me hunger and thirst;

You touched me, and I burned to know your peace.”  {Augustine}


Here’s one of the best books I’ve ever read on the topic of God’s relentless pursuit of us. It’s a fiction novel based on the story of Hosea & Gomer in the bible (where God commands Hosea to marry Gomer, a prostitute, to display his relentless pursuit of us). You can see the book here. It’s such a beautiful story!