Three words that have been on my heart lately. Never before, if I’m honest. Yes, I have had moments of courage, moments where I haven’t let fear get in the way of God’s calling or leading. But oh how I have given into fear. So often I let it stop me from loving people, from taking risks, from doing what the Spirit was leading me to do. No more. I don’t want to play it safe. I want to step out in faith.
When I get to the end of my race, I don’t want to look back and say, “Wow, sweet. I really played everything safe, and what a great life. I lived with mediocrity. I kept to myself. I never stepped out into the adventure God had for me. Instead I stayed right here where it’s comfortable. It was a decent life.”
No way! I want to look back and say, “Wow Lord! Look where you led me. Look at how your hand was on me, and although I was scared at times or even doubted, you gave me the strength and faith to continue; to trust You. What a crazy adventure you had for me. And the best part—at every step You were with me. At every step, You drew me closer to Yourself.”
I want to be a woman of courage.
A woman who takes risks.
Who asks the hard questions.
Who pursues people who I’m intimidated by because I want to love them like Jesus loves them.
I want to be in prayer constantly to see people and situations like Jesus sees them.
I want to invite people into my life like Jesus did, and not let the fear of man get in the way.
I want to do what He calls me to do, and not let the fear of failure stop me.
I want to step out. To not just take a leap of faith. But rather, have faith in the Mighty One who is with me always.
Ladies, let us be known for these three words. Let’s throw off fear. Throw off cowardness. Throw off our timidity.
And let us adorn ourselves with bravery.
I know it’s not as easy as just saying it, just wanting it. We have to look to Him, instead of our fear. We have to look to Him, instead of our situation. We have to look to Him, not our ability, or inability for that matter. He is able. He is mighty. He is our shield. He holds us, and has our hearts. In Him, we are free. In Him, we are cared for. In Him, we are fully loved. In Him, we have full acceptance.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Describe a moment when you stepped out in courage and did what the Lord was leading you to do? What area of your life do you see that you’re playing it safe? What is God calling you to do?
Hi Alyssa,
I am so happy I came across this post. This evening in church, we spoke about stepping out into deeper waters. We spoke about breaking off the chains and jumping feet first into whatever God is calling us to do. We allow fear to overcome us instead of simply trusting in the Lord. Isn’t it funny how we forget that He is willing and able? For myself, it flows from the need to feel like I am in control. But as we all know, none of us are in control of our lives.
But this week, I am going to step out. I am going to be bold and trust in the Lord in all areas of my life. He is with us always and He knows our hearts and our minds. He has called us to do great things and I want Him to use me to fulfill His purpose!
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)
thanks so much for sharing,
PS I just added your book to my Fall reading list and I told everyone at church about it.