As Psalm 84:11 came off my lips and onto the girls’ hearts a few weeks ago at bible study, the Spirit whispered to my very own heart.
“Alyssa, and so it is with you. I withhold no good thing from you. Right now, in this very season of your life, I am working out my perfect plan for you. You have no want, for I am everything. I have given you all you need in life and godliness. You- married, at home, mother to a puppy, writer, disciple, deep cleaner, cook, friend, daughter—this is my very best for you. Right now.”
My spirit stirred within me and I was filled with hope. Yes. Yes, Lord. You are so very good. I do feel so blessed to be in the season I am right now. It’s not always a walk in the park for sure. The Lord is definitely refining me and teaching me lessons on the daily. Lessons of how to be thankful in the mundane. Lessons of how to abide in His presence and let Him be my deepest joy, the Lover of my soul. Lessons of how to serve with joy. Lessons of how to put others before myself and be for their highest good. Lessons of how to have self-control over my thoughts and run to Him with every thought. Lessons of how to let Him be my home, my security, & my rest in the midst of a life where we travel often. Lessons. Beautiful, sweet, refining lessons. A beautiful, sweet season.
“Yes Lord You withhold no good thing from me. I have so much, so very much, to give thanks for.”
But then it hit me. The whole Psalm is pointing to the Lord. He withholds no good thing from us because He has given us His very self. We have Him. He is our portion. The Psalmists declares how incredible it is to be with Jesus; so much so that his soul faints to be in His courts.
“For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.” Ps. 84:10
Beloved, not only does the Lord not withhold anything good from us, but He in fact gives us His very self. He is with us. Dwells in us, abides with us. He invites us into His courts to be with Him. We are blessed dear one. We have open access, 24/7 to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
“Blessed are those who dwell in your house, ever singing your praise!” Psalm 84:4
Do you rejoice in the truth that you have Jesus? Is there something else that you long for, or are trying to find satisfaction in, other than Jesus? How can you spend time with Him today, entering into His courts?