Thank you for joining us on this 4 part series about depression. Today (part two of our series) Morgann will talk to us about 3 of the most common myths that are said regarding depression and those that struggle with it. We hope these will encourage you as perhaps these are some of the things you have been told, or believed, before.
I can’t tell you how many times I have laid on my bed with a tear-soaked pillow, crying out to God and begging him to take this darkness from me. Can you relate?
Today, I want to talk about some of the most common myths about depression and give you hope in whatever season of life you are in.
Myths about Depression:
1. If you just read your Bible more or go to church more or ____________________ more, than you wouldn’t be depressed. I’ve heard this so many times. Sometimes in the church, we have a hard time accepting that there are things in life with no easy “do more” fix. This is often one of those things. That said, don’t stop doing these things when you are depressed. Often times, the tendency is to pull out of church and small groups and reading our Bibles and worshipping (Hebrews 10:25, Psalm 119). And to be honest, if you aren’t already doing those things, it can contribute to feeling depressed. We aren’t made to operate on our own strength and it’s exhausting when we try. Allow the Lord to refresh your spirit as you engage in corporate worship and as you read His word.
2. You must not be a Christian because if you know Jesus, you will be happy. This is one of the most damaging lies out there. There were years when I honestly doubted my salvation because I had been told that I must not be saved because I was feeling this way. Jesus never guarantees happiness. He gives us his Spirit and an abundant source of joy (Galatians 5:22).
John Piper says, “All true believers have tasted and seen that the Lord Jesus is a sweet, life-giving spring of eternal joy for their soul (Ps. 34:8; 1 Pet. 2:2-3), but the taste, even though it indicates that there is true spiritual life, is easily overwhelmed by the floods of darkness that threaten to bury it.”
Joy is found in a deeply-rooted belief that God is sovereign, that he is good and that He will be glorified. Joy can be shown in tears, in laughter, in the stillness and in chaos. Jesus doesn’t call us to be happy–but He promises to fill us with joy.
3. Life is not worth living. I have said this to myself on more than one occasion. I know that it’s a lie that the devil would love for me to believe. And to be honest, I am tempted to believe it because that’s what it feels like. But I am called to act on what I know to be true based on what God’s word says is true. And I know that if Jesus has power over sin and death, then he has power over every circumstance in my life. I know that God works for my good and His glory (Romans 8:28-29), meaning whatever is going on in my life, even depression, it is there to bring God glory. God is exalted in our life when we choose to operate not on what we feel, but on what is true (Philippians 4:8). Life is worth living because God is in control.
For those of you who are struggling with depression, I want you to know that I get it, more than you know. Please hear this truth: life is worth living, God is still good and there is hope. You are never beyond God’s reach or sight. He loves you dearly. He calls you “child”. He will carry you through as your faithful Shepherd.
Morgann Burres is a 22 year old newly married who currently lives in Salem, OR. She graduated from Azusa Pacific University, works for Youth Missions International, and has a huge heart for mentoring younger girls.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Thank you so much , author . you have blessed me , so has jesus !
I thought i didnt know who god was and a big wave of madness and depression came over me but all i know is that satan is just trying to take away my joy in the lord because the joy of the lord is my strength , my pasto r told me i didnt know god because i was extremely depressed but that was all a lie satan just kept throwing things at me thats all . GOD BLESS YOU SO MUCH !!!! I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW !!
He (Jesus) came to make us Holy, not happy! That being said, great and everlasting Joy and peace are found in His presence! Blessings to y’all
Hi Alyssa,
I too am struggling with depression.
I know I’m worthy. I know God can heal me. The hardest part is feeling like God can heal me. I am worthy.
I feel like such a failure. I have an 8 year old daughter. Single parent. I hate the stigma attached to it. My family considers me a failure cos of where I am in life. I didn’t plan it that way. I was gonna get married but he left and has been in and out of our lives since and I’m so mad at myself. I know I’m worthy of love but I let one person hurt me over and over again.
sometimes I feel like I can’t get up in the morning but I have to but I don’t want to. I cry all the time everyday. I have nobody to talk to. I don’t think its worth the trouble anyway cos there are people worst off.
thanks for helping people.
God bless you
C. Cape Town, SA
Thank you, ladies. <3
Thank you so much! You are the first Christian person in the public eye I’ve ever heard say that having a mental illness such as depression isn’t because you’re not Christian or because you’re not doing enough of something when in reality it’s because you have a problem. Thank you so much Alyssa! God bless you and your family!
I agree. I hate when Christians are all fake and and say that if you have more faith your problems will be fixed. Mustard seed faith is enough, but that doesn’t mean all your problems just go away. If that were the case, there’s be no point in having faith.
And since joy is a fruit of the spirit, they believe you have to be all happy all the time or else you’re not a Christian.
For me, loneliness is what gets me.
Wow, I can relate to your words so much, Alyssa! This was so encouraging. Thanks:)
Thank you for putting this into writing and sharing it. I’ve taken bits and pieces of it having lived with depression for over a decade, but have never organized my thoughts, beliefs and experience with it. Praying this helps my friends and family understand this better.
This is so good. I have struggled with feeling that I might not be saved because of depression-but the truth is, salvation doesn’t depend on our feelings. We’re saved by Jesus, and when we are depressed, we can cast our cares on him!
One thing that has helped me a lot with depression is being purposefully thankful. Even when you do not feel like it, thank and praise God for the air you breathe, life, salvation, for just being God. It helps me to remember that even though I might feel this way right now, God is still God, and he loves me.
Thank you thank you for taking the time to do this series. I have struggled with depression for years and am finally getting specialized counseling. But my roommates struggle to understand what is going on with me and sharing this with them has helped them to better understand what I’m going through.
I’m really glad I came across this today. I work in customer service and I’ve always felt this pressure to be “happy” or to project happiness, and I’ve always thought it was pretty selfish of the public to expect that from me. That with a few other experiences has really caused me to resent people. I feel like I just have this base level that my brain doesn’t wander very far from. I don’t know, but it’s nice to see that someone else gets it. 🙂