Roles & Theology

of Husband and Wife

Month 7 is HERE!

This month we are talking about all things "roles" related. One of the biggest questions we get is about "roles" and what it means to be biblical husband and wife, man and woman. We can't wait to see what the Lord does this month!

Topic: Roles & Theology of Husband and Wife

Live Webcast: September 2nd, 4:30 PM PST.

See Y'all Soon!

Jeff + Alyssa

Exciting side note:  We are going to do something a little different this month! We are breaking down the monthly PDF into 4 sections that will "drop" weekly. This way as a group we can tackle each topic together and really dig into the section before moving forward!

Week 1 (09/08/2018): Preconceived Notions 

This week we are going to reflect on what you expected your role to be (and of your spouse) going into your marriage, and see how that compares to the roles in your marriage today! 

Week 2 (09/09/2018): Let's Talk Theology! 

This week we are going to open our Bibles and take a look into Genesis and Ephesians and see what God has to say about the roles of husband and wife!

Week 3 (09/16/2018): CEO & COO

What do executive titles have in common with the roles of husband and wife? This week we will take a look at these corporate roles and how they actually resemble the roles in your marriage today! 

Week 4 (09/23/2018): Stay Tuned!


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